According to Business Insider 80% of businesses want chat bots by 2020. This increasing demand in chat bots is a clear indication that chat bots are in fact proving to be an effective tool.
Get ready to power your business with our quick-setup SMART BOT solution. Our SMART BOT is offered as a fully managed service on a simple pricing structure. We apply Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to bring your business the best possible experience.
Conversational AI (Artificial Intelligence) has the power to play a significant role in protecting businesses from the economic uncertainties being caused in the COVID-19 situation. While consumers are unable to commute freely and interact physically with businesses, if business are able to reach out to them and carry out smart conversations, would that not help bridge the gap?
The world over, organizations are using Conversational AI in the form of CHAT BOTS to reach out to their consumers without worrying about availability of human resource on weekends, holidays and odd shift hours.
The SMART BOT never gets tired, doesn’t need a day off and doesn’t mind working on weekends!